Treasure Island 2

August 3, 2024, was a day to remember. Even the weather couldn’t decide whether to be cool and rainy or sunny and warm. On this day, Wings for Wheels gathered on Dole Island, located on the Daugava River. Spending the day on the island—now more of a peninsula—sparked the idea to call the gathering “Treasure […]

The big summer gathering "Treasure Island"

Association “Wings for Wheels” this year on August 5, organized an event called “Treasure Island”. Such a name was not chosen by chance, but in direct connection with the location, which was Dole Island, and also the topic of the day was ‘What are our treasures?’. We had a total of 30 participants from different […]

W4W 15! Celebration Day with Friends

We had been waiting for this day for a long time, since the last “Challenge” camp in 2019. Due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, we were unable to hold any camps or other live events for two years in a row. Due to various reasons, we still could not organize the camp this […]

I am giving you my peace...

A year ago, we were hoping to be able to meet in person this year. However, the Wings for Wheels friends’ meeting on December 4 took place on the Zoom platform also this year. Of course, this was not quite comparable to the festive banquets held in the restaurant “Kliversala” in previous years, but in […]

Leadership Training Program 2021

One of the Wings for Wheels’s activities in the 2020-2021 season was the Introduction to the Leadership Training Program (ILTP), which took place from 10 February to 2 June. Several years ago, we developed this program to train people with disabilities who feel God’s call to start a Wings for Wheels branch in their place […]

About camp 2021

We would like to inform you that, after thoughtful prayers and evaluation of the current situation, we have come to decision to cancel the camp “Rīta Rasa 3”. The still uncertain epidemiological situation in the country requires us to comply with a number of restrictions and security measures which would make communication between the camp […]

The Time of Opportunities

Sometimes, you want to do something well, but it turns out much better than expected, and that’s exactly what we can confidently say about the Zoom meeting for friends of Wings for Wheels on December 8. On this date, we had planned to hold the annual event dedicated to the International Day of People with […]

Live connection from a distance

Changes in the ordinary way of doing things are not always easy and pleasant. Still, when situations close one door, God opens another one. As many know, we could not hold the Challenge camp this year, due to the social and economic shock caused by Covid-19. We understood that we must look for new ways […]

The Light That Remains

The year 2019 that is almost at the end has been rich in impressions, new opportunities and good works, and as a conclusive special event we can add the festive afternoon organised by the association “Wings for Wheels” on December 9 at the restaurant “Klīversala”. Thanks to the kind response of the management of the […]