The Time of Opportunities

Sometimes, you want to do something well, but it turns out much better than expected, and that’s exactly what we can confidently say about the Zoom meeting for friends of Wings for Wheels on December 8. On this date, we had planned to hold the annual event dedicated to the International Day of People with Disabilities in the restaurant “Kliversala”, but due to the state of emergency declared in the country, this intention had to be abandoned. After a short reflection, the idea was born to hold a meeting on the Zoom platform and invite people who have participated and volunteered in our camps. We sent out the information, planned the program and waited for the day to see what would come of it.

It was so exciting to look at the screen and see familiar faces showing up one after another. A total of 19 people had “come” to the meeting – less than we expected, but enough for the first time. The atmosphere turned out free and unforced by itself. Each participant shared their highlights of the year or good wishes to others. Dace Bluma, the pastor of the Kuldiga Pentecostal Church, shared her thoughts on the Scriptures, and Valdis Dvorovs led the singing. Naturally and unnoticed, our meeting turned into a kind of a service in which we reflected on the word of God, sang, encouraged one another, and prayed for one another. It was really powerful. Two hours passed unnoticed, and we said goodbye with the feeling that we still wanted more.

This is not just a time of restrictions, prohibitions or losses; this is also a time of new opportunities and beginnings. One of the great challenges of our lives is to dare to take the first step and not allow the train of the new opportunities to leave without us. You can never know what expanses will be revealed to your gaze behind the next bend.

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