People affected by disability are the largest and the least covered mission field, and it needs a lot of workers. Maybe not everyone feels they can engage in full-time ministry, but there are still other no less important ways how to support us.
It is impossible to accomplish Wings for Wheels ministry without:
1) intercessors;
2) volunteers;
3) financial contributors.
We very much appreciate the team of our faithful intercessors and regularly inform them about W4W prayer needs. Prayer is the basic foundation of fulfilling God’s calling.
We have also a great number of faithful and longtime volunteers who join us for camps and other events.
And finally, financial supporters – churches and individuals, both in Latvia and abroad, who have contributed in W4W ministry for almost 10 years so that we can organize camps, print informative resources, do workshops, etc.
God’s vision is really great. To realize future projects, we will need even more supporters in the three mentioned areas, and not only in them.
If you feel or know for sure that God calls you to involve in ministry for people with disabilities, you are welcomed to contact us by writing or calling.
Maybe you already know that you want to support us with prayers, donations, or as a volunteer in Wings for Wheels camps or other events. Maybe you have some good ideas of what kind of support or help you can offer to our ministry. Maybe you have felt a desire for some time to start doing something to make your church friendlier for people with disabilities, but you have lacked encouragement, or knowledge what to start with and how to do it. We’d gladly share experience.
By the way, you can write us also if you just cannot understand why such a ministry for disabled people is needed, after all, and what is Christian’s responsibility about this.
Maybe your church already has a ministry that cares particularly for people affected by disabilities, or families having a disabled child. Please, tell us about it!