We had been waiting for this day for a long time, since the last “Challenge” camp in 2019. Due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, we were unable to hold any camps or other live events for two years in a row. Due to various reasons, we still could not organize the camp this year, but the idea of a meeting of the friends of the association “Wings for Wheels” seemed quite realistic. After two years on the Zoom screens, we really wanted to hear and see our friends in person again and also enjoy the Wings for Wheels 15th birthday cake together.
The easiest thing was to choose the date of the event, June 25, and the program of the event was planned so that the participants could get the most out of it. The location we chose for the event at the beginning disappointed us, but God turned it for good, because we were kindly received by Raiskums Primary School of A. Biezins, where we had been organizing the “Challenge” camp for four years. Not only for the Wings for Wheels team, but also for many of our camp participants, the place is associated with nice memories, so it was in every way the most appropriate place for our fellowship. Thanks to the support of donors, we had enough money for everything we needed. All we still could wish for was that the invited guests are not hindered by unforeseen obstacles, that we are all healthy and well and that the weather is good.
Now it can be said that ” we had everything and were short of nothing “, except for those friends who, for one reason or another, could not come. There was no cloud in the sky, and the sun was blazing, but our heart was full of joyful excitement. One by one, guests came – W4W camp’s participants and long-term volunteers. We were 39 in total, less than five years ago when we celebrated W4W’s 10th birthday, but this time it seemed to be an advantage, not a
disadvantage. The main thing was to meet, talk and enjoy being together like at a cozy family party.
We began with a prayer and thanks to God for the opportunity to meet. In the introducing game, we also learned some new and interesting facts about each other. This was followed by two lectures, “Healthy Critical Thinking on the Internet” and “God in My Plans.” The afternoon was set aside for free time and sports games, and we spent the evening at the bonfire enjoying the birthday cake and conversations. We heard a lot of gratitude for the opportunity to meet at this event and for the good people have gained from W4W ministry. In her address, Dace Bluma, pastor of the Kuldiga Pentecostal Church, reminded us of the importance of not losing the joy for God and His deeds in our lives at all times and in trials. In the end, of course, a group picture was taken, and then, as the sun set, we said goodbye to go home. On the one hand, it was a little sad that this beautiful day passed so quickly, however, the joy of the meeting and the fact that everything went well was greater.
We have to accept that, over time, a lot changes and there are things we will not be able to do as we used to. But our journey with Jesus continues, and we will take every opportunity to preach the Good News and make disciples of those who will respond to Christ.
More photos here. [:]