About us

If it were possible to gather all the disabled people in the world into one nation, that mythical nation would number 1 billion men, women and children. That nation would be the world’s third largest country, after China and India. (WHO statistic)

That nation would have a number of unique characteristics. That nation would…

  • have the least access to education – because disabled people receive little or no education in developing countries
  • have the lowest proportion in the world of its population in employment
  • be the poorest nation on earth, because disabled people are the poorest of the poor
  • have the least access to any sort of transport – poverty again
  • be the least evangelized nation with the lowest proportion involved in a church…

Wings for Wheels is ministry for people with mobile disabilities from age 18-60, who are living in their homes “forgotten” by Latvian society and not getting enough attention from Christian society either.

Wings for Wheels goal is to challenge people with mobile disabilities to come out from their passive lifestyle and to show their abilities to improve their quality of life which can help them integrate into society. Same time trying to get Christian society attention for this field and to challenge them to reach out for these “hidden” people group.


Wings for Wheels is one of the ministry spheres of Youth with a Mission, an international Christian mission organization, and it is focused on people with disabilities.

Wings for Wheels places the following as the priorities:

  1. to teach Christian values to people with disabilities;
  2. to facilitate integration and inclusion of people with disability in society by means of various social and educative activities;
  3. to fulfill the needs of these people for communication and fellowship in various creative ways;
  4. to improve the quality of their everyday life;
  5. to help them to become aware of their value and ability to give a positive contribution to the society;
  6. to inform Christian churches about the need to preach the Gospel to the people with disabilities;
  7. to provide Christians with the necessary knowledge equipping them to develop a successful communication with people with disabilities.