We are forced to share sad news: the Mission-Net congress has been canceled. The organizers inform that, despite their hard work and efforts, the number of registered participants is too low, and the actual expenses significantly exceed the expected income. Therefore, the Mission-Net board has made the difficult decision to cancel the congress.
Unfortunately, we cannot influence this decision, and now we also have to deal with the resulting situation: rescheduling our calendar, canceling reservations, changing tickets, etc. It is also unclear what to do with the money that people donated to support our representatives, Matīss and Baiba, in attending this congress. Since we can no longer use it for the original purpose, we would greatly appreciate it if donors could let us know whether they would like to receive their money back or allow us to use it for other ministry projects.
For example, we have an idea to invest it in a special fund to support Matīss’ studies at a Bible or mission school.
Some years ago, two people in wheelchairs who were unknown to each other met at a shop. Baiba (then a volunteer and now full-time staff at W4W) and Matiss weren’t in a comfortable place to get to know each other, especially since both of them had assistants with them, but Baiba felt an urgent push from God to invite Matiss to the Challenge camp. She did. We, as W4W, weren’t sure if he could be a participant, because he was just 17 years old and we had never had a lying participant before. We thought that finding an assistant for him will be a great challenge. Matiss came to Challenge 7 in 2014. Not only did God find for him the best possible assistant, but a picture of them dancing ballet together became W4W’s signature photo. During the same camp Matiss gave his life to God and started his Christian life. He is a frequent visitor in his church.
God did not look onto Matiss’ physical condition nor the fact that he lives in an orphanage, but He gave him the calling to become a missionary in Africa in a war zone. He cannot trust his physical strength to make it happen, but God alone.
At the same time we got an invitation from EDN (European Disability Network) to send our young people to Mission-Net conference (Dec 28-Jan 2 in the Netherlands). We thought of Matiss. He was very happy to respond. Air companies weren’t as happy to receive a new client (except one who asked 3000€ for a one-way ticket). W4W is known to be crazy and not to give up so easily, so it will be a road-trip instead. Wings for Wheels van will bring to Netherlands two people in wheelchairs (Baiba will go, too to help EDN there), one dog-assistant, one human assistant, two drivers and two girls who will also attend the conference. The trip will take two days there and two days back and will not cost 3000€. Still, it costs enough that we ask you to be part of it and make the first step in Matiss’ calling possible. He believes that if God has called him, He will make it possible.
Do you want to be part of Matiss’ calling? W4W team has been praying for a long time that we would not only work among people with disabilities, but that one day we would be able to send out missionaries with burning hearts who just happen to have a mobility disability, too.
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Description: Mission-Net