Table Game Afternoon March 5, 2017

“In the church? Table game afternoon?” Those were the questions we expected when we, “Wings for Wheels” decided to organize table game afternoon in Agenskalns Baptist church in cooperation with “Brain Games”. But we didn’t receive neither questions like this nor skeptical attitude.

We all together with people who came from different places in Latvia – Riga, Berģi, Sigulda, Krimulda, Ieriķi (all together we were 41) had a wonderful time playing games we already knew and learning new games with the help from representative from “Brain Games” Krisjanis Zviedrans. We played games like  Halli Galli, Halli Cups, Trumbling Monkeys, Oppo, Voila, Saboteur, Ice Cool, Picmix, Difference, Om nom nom. This experience on March 5 makes us to wish to repeat this event and because of it we are planning it as a regular event! 🙂 Now we are in the process of deciding how often it could be. If you also want to join in one of our next table games afternoons as a participant or as a volunteer to help it to happen definitely contact us or follow news in our journal or Facebook page.

Thank you to everyone who helped this table game afternoon on March 5 to happen! 🙂 Photos are here.

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