
newcastle brown ale ruined

Newcastle brown and Stella have been my go-to beersnoticed the new packaging, thought nothing of it but did notice the new taste. This is devastating as it has been my go to beer for about 12 years now. Screw you Heineken. So Heineken bought the name, filled it with beer made with cheap ingredients, making no attempt to duplicate the original taste and are laughing all the way to the bank while sticking their middle fingers up to the public. Sunflower Earrings Newcastle Brown Ale Lightweight Tin Earrings 925 Sterling Silver Ear Wires. The new packaging and label was a give away how bad this would be, but had to try it since Ive been a Newcastle fane for several years. Change it back! I had no idea about the change. Chill to 64F (18C) and pitch yeast. Really, everything since has been an inferior product to that. Shame on all who ruined this medal winning beer. I got it at locally (BevMo, RiteAid) in the past 30 days. Its what we have bought when the English made it, Holland made it, until I just bought a 12 pack as usual & noticed It looked different. It has been three years, time to give it up man and move on, it isnt going back! RIP Newcastle! They also told me the original beer is still available in the EU where they havent made a flipping millennial IPA out of it like they have here. Please alter the name as you have completely altered and ruined my favorite brown ale! Im super sad. Poured all the rest down the sink. Im a fan of Boddingtons and New Castle. Very disappointed. Its a domestic in a can, but very tasty. Anybody remember New Coke? Guys it has been more than two years since I got a taste of my first reformulated NCBA. I tried the Guiness product already, but it was a bit heavy for my taste. Drank another, blah. How is this done to a fantastic beer? (190) 3.00. Totally fooled me. I will not be buying any of the new recipe ever again, neither will any of our many friends who lustfully enjoyed original Newcastle. Why are all Ceos, etc. I get home crack one open and.omg.noplease no. They have ruined a great drink Why would you want to ruin such a good beer like that??? Fools! I want my money back. Notify Me. This isnt a new Kool-Aid recipe. I can only echo all of the other negative comments about the Newcastle brewed in the US by Lagunitas. Someone help!?!?!!?!!! Had you left the recipe intact and advertised the benefits of the brown bottle, you would have been a hero. my favorite and only the one and only beer for over 30 years. I will not be purchasing Newcastle Brown in future, very sad.I was your biggest fan! Its like putting a cat in a dog costume and trying to take it for a walk!!! If youre looking for a taste somewhat similar to the good ol New Castle, look for WeeMac from Sun King brewery they are getting all the money that we used to spend on New Castle! Im not a fan of hoppy. This overly hopped nasty swill is an insult to the very concept of Brown Ale. Ruined a great beer. Today. this is such fucking bullshit. Wouldnt give to my worst enemy. I cant believe they did this! Newcastle is Newcastle. Dont just say that you will never buy it again. I was excited and had hoped the second one was the OldCastle but unfortunately, just another 12 of this garbage. Sorry. Im out! Its completely different. Fake beer. New recipe is awful, and now just tastes like Lagunitas. I poured the remaining bottles down the drain as well. Brewer Heineken said the move was prompted by customer concerns about a chemical . They have ruined perfection. She didnt think any more were coming but would check. If its not broke dont try to fix it! If you do not continue to use the EPG websites following a change to our Policy but take no other action with respect to your personal information, our use of that information will remain subject to our Policy as it was in effect prior to the change. Horrible idea to shift from the old recipe and keep the same name. Im switching to Alaskan Amber.a Grand substitute! Whats the point? Create a new beer and sell it under the name of a different beer? I completely agree. Just not the same. I saw the new packaging and was excited! This new shit is disgusting just like all other American beer. One more customer lost. Now we cannot even get them here. Why didnt they just come out with a new beer instead of screwing with a good one? 3800 King Avenue Cleveland Ohio 44114. This new Newcastle is not the same, and Im disappointed. The best thing that can be done is to sign this, https://www.change.org/p/heineken-usa-bring-classic-newcastle-brown-ale-back. "Now with Lagunitas in the family, we have the perfect partner to reimagine our beloved Newcastle Brown Ale," says Amy Tay, brand director. I am not offended by your disagreement, and I hope you can reciprocate that because no offense is intended to anyone except the brewmaster at Lagunitas and the management who thought Americanized Newcastle was a good idea. I have never enjoyed your stupid Heinekens but I guess the beers have to be made to taste for the new generation that has zero knowledge about a good and bad beer. Not drinking the new crap!!! I am very disappointed with this cheap and disgusting beer. This new recipe flavor has an unpleasant bite. your a baby, a young brat that knows nothing. There are always 2 or 3 bozos chiming in who claim to like the new stuff better, and they are the only people that get responses from the overlords. Heineken has one fine Marketing department for sure. I kept saying, why does this Newcastle taste like shit? Long time drinker of Newcastle is going to find something else to drink. Do not buy this crap. What right-thinking business executive would even consider such a bad idea? No dah people. Why break Newcastle Brown to add another? The search is still on since Lagunitas ruined Newcastle Brown Ale. I dont understand this at all. And what to my horrified taste buds appeared? The recipe for Newcastle Brown Ale is changing to keep customers in the US happy, after drinkers across the Atlantic worried it contained a carcinogenic food colouring. It was earlier this year that I discovered that a favorite beverage of mine had been runined and left comments here. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. Its all about money and making California left wings happy. You completely changed the beer. Nice lighter taste and easy drinkability like NC Brown. I was having the hankering for a New Castle. I will be looking for a new favorite. After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthurs mind was beginning to reassemble itself from the shell-shocked fragments the previous day had left him with. New taste is terrible! You ruined my favorite beer, never buying your crap again!! No frills, slightly sweet, and beautiful on a hot summer day. OMG. Clearly whoever was behind this decision didnt drink the original. Did I read online correctly that only the U.S.A. is getting this new recipe?? Lets keep up the pressure folks. If our Policy changes in the future, we will notify our customers and website users of any such changes by posting an updated policy on our website. So Heiniken said screw that, lets make it tase bad, I even hate the new logo. Very disappointed in new recipe and loss of clear bottle!!!. Still have to say after years, how disappointing it is to have all of these comments and no change by the brewer, not even comments that I have see. I tasted the New Castle which is my all time favorite beer and immediately notice the taste was different. Now Im bummed because its gone. If its any consolation, we can only get this piss in Newcastle (the birthplace of Dog AKA Newcastle Broon). Now it just tastes like any other brown ale. Only beers I found that compares were Moose Drool from Montana and Alaskan Brown Ale, neither of which are available in my area. The new formula tastes terrible. Huge fan most of my life. By the look of these comments, New Castle will be a thing of the past! Why-aye maan Really? There are other good brews out there. What nasty stuff. Why else would they change what they themselves call an iconic beer? I thought I bought a skunky batch of Newcastle only to discover they changed the recipe. The Newcastle facebook page and pages like this are swimming in about 98% negative reviews. All I have to say is why would you throw out hundreds of years of sucess? Just tried the new Newcastle I will never drink this s*** again. I hope that when new Newcastle fails , which it surly must, they bring back old Newcastle and accept the profits from us hard core fans! I took one tastethe rest went down the kitchen sink. What a monumental travesty, well done Heineken, well done, now go hide in your conference rooms and pretend all is well and your great visionary geniusness was a good idea. Youve ruined the secret sauce that made this beer so good. On the other hand one of my closest old friends is half brother of a brewer, who, he claims developed a new recipe for the brew when it moved to Yorks. I am really pissed that my favorite beer has been turned into something so horrendous that I poured the rest of a 12 pack down the drain. Newcastle used to be one of the few beers that jacked up my sinuses but now that theyve switch Im have the same problems as every other beer. In fact. They screwed up a perfect beer! Could someone recommend another English Ale that I might buy instead? We've cut our emissions when making our beers and ciders by 68% since 2008. Ive been drinking NewCastle Brown Ale for 30+ years. I have been an exclusive Newcastle Brown Ale drinker for decades. It is terrible. Boy did lagunitas screw this up. I just bought a 6 pack last night and boy oh boyThis is some awful stuff. How about keeping the original receipe and new one, calling this other junk New Castle Light Brown. FU Jeremy Marshal. We said, Lets keep the soul intact.. What the hell did you do to the best brown ale ever? I noticed it tasted different and thought I got a bad batch. I thinnk that is the best thing for this blog, mention good replacements both local stuff (name the area) and that which can be found accros the country. The new Newcastle is terrible. You ruined my favorite beer of all time. I didnt know the beer changed any more than the ridiculous new label. You have ruined my favorite beer, shame! The Lagunitas version is not the same. Once the big conglomerates buy a beer they typically ruin it. I agree with Jerry Kindall: if the recipe and packaging are different, how can it still be called Newcastle Brown Ale? I was a NBA fan, but always open minded and willing to find and appreciate new quality brew. Yes, need suggestions to try out Ive got 1 old New Castle left, I posted my own rage about the new recipe but in regards to your comment, all I can think to recommend you try is beer by Hacker Pschorr. And so, no more. Exactly! The new Newcastle Brown Ale is disgusting! #donewiththisshit. I used to import it in China at great expense because I loved it so much. When do we hold a funeral for my beloved English brown ale? I suggest you pour all of it back into the horses from whence it came. Talk about larceny by false pretenses, Lagunitas lying to your customers and taking their money. Bad business bad marketing decision. The package looked different, but I didnt think much of that. Scottish Newcastle. I would love to experience the old and true brew one more time. I can only wish they go broke! Consider yourself lucky. This is really a terrible beer. Than I drank one.WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! Got the taste for it when both my son and younger daughter were attending Rutgers College in New Brunswick, NJ, and we would stop for lunch at any one of several pubs nearby, each of which had Newcastle on tap I never even noticed when Newcastle moved their brewing to Europe, BECAUSE they DIDNT CHANGE the F.ING RECIPE! This new Newcastle absolutely blows! please share. This new taste is absolutely awful. It just tastes like bad coffee to me. I am including this link for them to review as backup. It appears they sell Smithwicks Red Ale at my local Total Wine store and I will pick some up this weekend. It said sales were down, so they changed it. First mouthful is bitter, thin, astringent. Cannot believe it, you could have just changed the marketing if you were unhappy with sales but now you might as well flush this crap beer down the toilet! And I dont like IPAs. Tue 13 Oct 2009 16.17 EDT. This new recipe is awful, it should have another name because it doesnt come anywhere close to the one and only! Go back to the old one. Totally ruined my favorite beer! Fortunately I have found an alternate use for the remaining beers left in this unfinished 12 pack. Very disappointed. 6 watching. Havent tried this yet, but I have yet to drink a Lagunitas brewed beer I didnt like. Earned the Bravo for Brown badge! They dont give a crap. LaGunitas, seriously, put a gun in your Chicagoland mouth and pull the fucking trigger for shitting on the working mans beer. There are now many similar options out there, some only local or regional. This beer sucks. Lagunitas / Heineken, you cannot brew a good beer in the first place, so you bought this beer and destroyed it just like all of your other pathetic attempts at brewing. When a complete fan base is alienated and one relies on the popularity of a trashy new product to immediately replace the old line with better profits and volumethat is just absurd. The new New Castle is just another bitter beer that I wont be buying ever again. I havent seen one positive review. Hope they leave that one be. 29. This beer is terrible. If you change the recipe of something you cant keep calling it the same thing. I guided many friends to trying Newcastle and they liked it! Now I cant even finish one! Its hard to top the reviews above. I like everyone else was Shell Shocked when tasting this disaster. Maybe we can all figure out how to ship it to us directly from U.K. Well add me to the lengthy list of the disappointed. The good news is that it has forced most of us to search for a replacement. Free standard shipping with $35 orders. If those responsible are smart enough (which remains to be seen), you know that an advertising campaign will be needed to convince the Newcastle faithful that the original ale they love is back. Why change the flavour ? I found a 6pack of the original beer in clear bottles last week. I bought a six pack, opened a beer. Seriously, what beer have the Dutch ever brewed that was above piss from ass? I started drinking the original Newcastle somewhere in the mid 70s while stationed overseas. Yield: 5 Gallons . IT SUCKS! What contact addresses did you use? Bad business decision because your core Newcastle lovers are what keeps your sales up. There is no shortage of hoppy beers, we did not need another and even if we did, we didnt have to loose a good brown ale to get it. Been drinking NBA for 10+years. If Jeremy Marshal is so enamored with his new creation call it Jeremys Ale, but dont call it Newcastle Brown.. And to add insult to injury, grocery stores are still selling this nasty Newcastle knock off under a premium Import price. https://WWW.NEWCASTLEBROWN.COM Newcastle Brown Ale is a brand of dark brown ale. I agree. [3] Being Dutch I gave it a fair shot and although the flavor was slightly different, I found it very acceptable. I have it on good authority (sworn by worker at S&N at Newcastle then Dunston) that the only thing that changed when it went to Tadcaster was the water. Youve made one hell of an impression. Customer loyalty is your brand!!! So, NC Brown, who cares about you anymore, not me. Newcastle Brown Ale was my favorite beer. I agree 100% I will not never buy new castle beer again unless I can get the old one.the new one tastes like shit. I cannot express fully just how upset I am about this. After the 2nd purchase I realized it wasnt only the bottle that changed, the brewery and flavor had changed. Especially if they are still making it supposedly outside the US. Theyve lost a lifetime customer. Overall, a terrible decision. I have not bought it since attempting 2-3 times to see if it was just that batch. Reach him atkswartz@epgmediallc.comor on Twitter@kswartzzor Instagram@cheers_magazine. Lagunitas seems to have committed a fraud on us loyal fans of NBA. I only drank new castle. It's not particularly sweet. Sometimes I wished I lived in the UK. Just aweful stuff. Bought all five six packs so for awhile I can enjoy the old stuff until its gone. I join others in wanting the original recipe back. Anyway, one final comment. Well slip of the fingersFAT TIRE! I went to several stores today to find any old recipe Newcastle. Bought some today and thought it tasted odd. Why ruin a Great tasting beer that millions of us enjoy?! Now its Shiner all the way for this Texas native. Cancer be damned. Its not New Castle anymore. Newcastle was my very first beer. After I recently picked up a 12 pack and tried the first bottle I thought something was funny but assumed it was me, so I tried another. Congrats, you made another shitty and unnecessary hoppy piece of shit and alienated an entire demographic of consumers. One taste and Im spluttering, cursing and mad as hell. They have lost our business unless they change the recipe back. Absolutely no idea what they are doing. System Default. Expecting smooth light carbonation and slightly sweet, clean finish. P.S. We went camping this weekend, so I picked up a 12 pack, cracked a couple open and was convinced I had bought an IPA that had been mis-bottled. . I am so sick and tired of going for a beer somewhere and all they have are micro brewery beers. F!! 22 130 209 Anyways, if any of you fine beer drinkers hear of any efforts to bring the original Newcastle back, like a gofundme, march to Heineken headquarters, etc, please post here. Ive tried and tried to like this new beer with the stolen name. It is plain ugly compared to the old one. Now what G D! Our goal is to provide you with an experience that delivers the information, resources and services that are helpful to you. Michael Jackson the beer writer and absolute authority on everything beer is rolling over in his grave. This used to be my favorite beer but never again. It should be either renamed or taken off of the shelves. There will be no more Newcastle Brown Ale allowed in my house. Well then change the F-in name and make a new one. Found a twelver of the original stuff at the local store, currently drinking the last of the original. Completely bummed out. WHY???!!! We have been drinking and buying New Castle since 1987, not anymore! All American brewing companies are a joke. I jumped online to see what was going on and realized they completely 5#17 the bed. Which is all to say: if youre a beer nut, make the pilgrimage to Lagunitas. We will no longer buy your version. What were they thinking? This new beer tastes like crap. In stock. I have been drinking it since 1975 while stationed overseas. They blew it. Before this, Newcastle was the beer by which all others were judged. Your Father-in-law was a wise man . This sucks. They mentioned how many calls like mine they have had and that they are still taking input and may adjust. So Heineken is in the process of destroying New Castle Brown Ale. Agreed. SPONSORED. Its iconic 550ml bottles, at 4.7%, lined the fridges of every pub, bar, and offie, promising decadent caramel and inviting toffee notes. Metal NOT Paper or plastic. Has anyone found a way to get real New Ashley in the US yet? I have enjoyed my One and Only Beer for years and it is a shame that your company ruined it for the masses of fans. Pre-Owned. #bring Newcastle back. WE DONT WANT AN IPA. The Caledonian Brewery uses only traditional British brewing methods, including using only whole-flower hops and heating the original 1869 copper kettles with open flames. What kind of idiot factory are you guys running over there? How long will these douchebags live in fantasy and denial before they get a clue and bring back the real formula? It just seems like such a bad business decision to trash a product that was obviously entrenched in the market and completely successful for a badly envisioned recipe that would alienate every loyal user of the original NBA. Lagunitas did add 8-10 more IBUs, but they blend in rather than stick out. I just tried the new New Castle..well it was so bad I spit it out! I guess Heineken has taken on the Apple mentality. No matter what recipe you have the change in water source makes the whole difference. they have been making this for 100 years. Now I am drinking it on tap and it is the same. Brewed with a unique blend of pale and roasted malts with American hops, Newcastle Brown Ale is smooth, crisp, and slightly roasty. Ever since Newcastle production moved out of England, its gone downhill. I used to drink Newcastle starting when the weather turned in autumn, straight through until it got warm in late spring. Maybe it is time to move-on. I am heartbroken. In the 1980s, a euphemism for walking the dog resulted in the nickname Newcastle Brown Ale. Yes, it has regained the old smooth unique tast. The new recipe should NOT be called Newcastle Brown Ale at all! As close to the REAL Newcastle as youll find now that Lagunitas ruined a centuries old recipe. But the end result is not extremely bitter. Completely ruined it. Started out with Smithwicks. May all of your beer sour and rot to non-consumable standards.oh wait, it already has. This new recipe SUCKS! I suggest that they clean out their brewing equipment so that it can taste like the original Newcastle that I have been drinking for years. Not too sweet. It tastes plan, missing all the magic that was in the original recipe. Nothing redeemable about it!!! This new beer is disgusting and we will not drink it. Its not Newcastle. The best tasting beer, I loved so much Why did they change the recipe??? For Geordies, Newcastle Brown Ale, Broon or dog - never Newky Brown - still remains as one of the defining icons of Tyneside's culinary heritage. Where did our Newcastle go..?? How is the soul the same at all?? Im begging! I couldnt find Newcastle at any of the local stores for a long time, but didnt really think anything sinister was afoot. Kind of bland, so less likely to nauseate non-fans; and, I suspect, made to drink chilled for the US palate. Lets make it like other crap beers but still have that microbrewery feel to it. Why is a significant group of ale drinkers fond of Newcastle Brown? Bought some, different look figured just the packaging. Just because you put more hops in doesnt make it better just bitter. Theyve lost another regular customer. Been there, done that. They may have asked an additional price for the recipe that Lagunitas was not prepared (or able) to pay. why not make both? All I know is that Lagunitas is definitely not earning the profit they anticipated by marketing this new crappy NBA recipe. Has anyone found a way to get real Newcastle in the US yet? But this is different. If it aint broke dont fix it. My hatred for Lagunitas is even greater than it was a month ago. They did not address the fact that it tastes terrible and virtually every Newcastle drinker in the USA hates their guts. This weekend suspect, made to drink under the name as you have the Dutch ever that! Resulted in the past 30 days express fully just how upset i so! They liked it brewed that was in the original larceny by false pretenses, Lagunitas lying to your customers taking. At all????????????????. Never again a gun in your Chicagoland mouth newcastle brown ale ruined pull the fucking trigger for on! 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